Minor Works and Projects

Applying our engineering excellence, we can deliver all types of minor works and projects, covering a range of additional routine maintenance jobs, building and asset repairs and the completion of technology upgrades. Also managing smaller and medium scale renovations, moves and changes and general facility improvements, our expert teams have a proven track record for delivering your projects safely, compliantly, on time and on budget.

Person walking down a warehouse corridor wearing short sleeve shirt and orange high vis.

Case Study

EMCOR UK success stories & case studies

Discover how EMCOR UK is transforming facilities management for our customers across a wide range of industries with our FM services and solutions, all expertly delivered using our unique engineering heritage and innovation capability.

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Ready to talk to us?

With EMCOR UK, you can have confidence that your requests for minor works and projects are delivered to the highest standards of safety and compliance, and within planned timeframes and budgets.  To find out more, contact our expert team today.

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